Lash Extensions

Lash Extensions

Lash extensions are semi-permanent, synthetic fibers that are individually attached to your natural lashes with a medical-grade adhesive - giving the appearance of longer, fuller and thicker lashes! The extensions can be customized to specific depth and elongation to your eye shape, creating a variety of looks. Because they are attached to the lash itself, they last as long as the natural growth cycle. On the other hand, the traditional false strip lashes, which you remove after each use, are applied directly to the skin and have pre-designed styles that don't take your unique eye shape into account. Please visit "FAQ" for more info. 

Before / After

Before / After


Customized lash looks - A consultation will be discussed to ensure you have the shape + style you want. From a natural to more dramatic lashes, designs are custom tailored for you

Waterproof - After the curing stage of 24-48 hours, you can swim and sweat in your extensions (although the dryer you keep them, the longer they will last)

Reduce time in your morning routine - For many of us, putting on makeup can take a large part of getting ready. With lash extensions, your lashes will already be lifted and lengthened, so you don't have to spend as much time on eye makeup. Some people even prefer lash extensions as their only form of cosmetic application

Save money over time - If you think about how much money you spend on lash strips, mascara and other eye makeup, you’ll notice that lash extensions is an investment that actually can save you money (and time)!

No more lash strips or mascara - Nothing is more frustrating than spending time doing your makeup just for it to mess up or the need to reapply. Say goodbye to the struggles of gluing falsies and running makeup!

Instant satisfaction - Many begin their lash extension journey because their natural lashes are very short or weak. While reputable lash serums can provide fantastic results after months of consistent use, lash extensions provide instant satisfaction for those who are wanting results immediately. Enhance your natural beauty without the use of makeup or other beauty products

Long-lasting results - Lash extensions may last up to 6 weeks (with 2-3 week fill appointments) depending on skin type, aftercare and environmental factors. This beats lash strips since they are removed at the end of the day

No damage - When properly applied and maintained, extensions cause no damage. This is due to the fact that they grow and fall out with your natural lashes

Safe + sterile procedure - Lash extensions are very safe in the hands of a professional. Every precaution will be made to ensure your safety and well-being before, during and after the application process, please be aware of the possible risks


A contraindication is a condition or factor that increases the risks involved in a treatment. It is important to prevent further harm, cross-contamination and infection for both the client and artist.



× Under 18 years old
× Allergies to adhesives
× Alcohol or caffeine (please refrain 24 hours before your appointment)
× Contact lenses (please remove before your appointment)
× Cancer or chemotherapy in last 6 months
× Cataracts/glaucoma
× Dry skin or skin condition around eyes (eczema, psoriasis, etc.)
× Eye surgery (must wait 6 weeks)
× Eye infections or a degenerative eye disease
× Lashes grow downwards into the eye
× No natural eyelashes
× Stomach sleepers or lash pluckers


Prior to the procedure, think about the look you wish to achieve. As a lash specialist, I ensure that the correct length and styles are chosen for you, however you are part of the decision-making process. Note that your prep is very important since this sets up the foundation for your new lashes and how the extensions adhere to your natural lashes.



Expect the procedure to be more or less than ~2 hours for full sets and ~1 hour for refill appointments. Total time depends on how many healthy, viable natural lashes you have.

When you arrive, we will assess your lash health and have a quick consultation to discuss expectations, maintenance and fill out paperwork. 

Beginning the service, aloe vera gel pads and woven tape will be placed under your eyes to protect your bottom lashes. Next, your lash shape/mapping is drawn on and a primer will be applied to ensure longevity.

The remaining time will be individually adding each synthetic lash to your natural lash. Most clients choose to nap during this time!

Lash Mapping

Lash Mapping



Some clients experience discomfort or redness, but this will dissipate within a few hours. 

Keep in mind that your aftercare makes 70% of the results! Please follow your aftercare instructions carefully as this will prolong the life of your lash extensions.

choose your Lash style:

Lash Styles


Please wash your face and hair before your appointment.

Clean your lashes using an OIL-FREE cleanser and remove contact lenses if necessary. 

DO NOT use mascara, oil-based makeup or makeup removers before/after your appointment (this will prevent the adhesive from fully bonding).



24 HOURS: Do not wet or apply any makeup/product on lashes.

2+ DAYS: Brush and cleanse daily with (oil-free) lash shampoo.

When your lashes are wet, blow-dry on cold while brushing with a spoolie to maintain fluffiness and avoid tangling.

To maintain full lashes, refills are recommended every 2-3 weeks!



× Use oil-based eye products, makeup or waterproof mascara/eyeliner

× Perm, tint or curl lashes

× Sleep on your stomach, pull or rub your eyes



○ Heat, steam, and sweat will weaken adhesive (cooking, hot showers, etc)!

○ If necessary, please visit a certified lash artist to have extensions removed.  

○ To maintain fullness of lash extensions, refills are suggested every 2-3 weeks


Lash skin/debris buildup

Lash skin/debris buildup

This is why you should be cleansing your lashes every day (especially right before your refill)!


Cleansing your lashes daily is imperative, so that the oil/makeup buildup don’t break down the bond of the extension. It also eliminates the chances of eye infections and bacteria building up in between the lashes.

Our skin naturally produces oils, especially along the lash line. We want to remove these oils to maintain good retention and eye health. Even if you don’t wear makeup, cleansing your lashes is non-negotiable, you MUST wash them everyday.

Why do I need refills?

Contrary to popular belief, your lashes go through a three-phase growth cycle and will eventually fall out, which is typically nothing to worry about!

Every individual is preset to follow a specific growth cycle (length/thickness). On average, the upper lid has about 90-150 lashes and a lifespan of 100 days.

As for lash extensions, it is recommended to get refills every 2-3 weeks to maintain fullness.

Please refer to this photo when returning for a refill. If you return with less than 50% of your extensions, you will be required to obtain a full set. Rates are set based upon time and coverage applied.


The natural lash cycle:

1) The anagen phase is known as the growth phase. Lashes are actively growing and lasts 4-6 weeks. Only about 40% of the upper lashes and 15% of the lower lashes are in the anagen phase at once. Each lash naturally has a preset length/thickness.

2) The catagen phase is also called the transition phase, lasting 2-3 weeks. The lashes stop growing and the hair follicle shrinks. If an eyelash falls out or plucked during this phase, it won’t immediately grow back because the follicle needs to complete the catagen phase before proceeding to the next phase.

3) The telogen phase is referred to as the resting phase. It can last more than 100 days before an eyelash falls out and a new one begins to grow.

Because each individual lash is in its own phase of the growing cycle, it is normal for several lashes to fall out most days. It typically takes between 6-8 weeks to fully replace an eyelash.